Friday, January 18, 2008

False Assumptions Authors Make

There are two false assumptons even mildly seasoned authors make. It's important that nothing is assumed in publishing. The industry is changing rapidly, though not rapidly enough for some. For house to house, things can vary greatly.

1 ~ Authors tend to believe the marketing a publishing house does is enough. This is FALSE! No one and no amount of money can make up for author participation. There is a new movement afoot. More and more publishers are requiring authors to submit their books and a marketing plan. Why, you may ask? One, it helps to them to determine if the author has a working knowledge of the industry. Two, there's a less likely chance of losing an investment when the author is thorough enough to have a workable marketing plan.

2 ~ Authors believe that being with a well established name guarantees them higher royalties/advances. While the latter is sometimes true, the first is not. Independent houses are known to be more generous with their royalty rates. They are also more likely to reward a faithful author who is consistently making money for them.

Don't make assumptions. Ask questions.

Montario Hampton, President
Provided care of Still Waves Publishing Company

Monday, January 14, 2008

Welcome to my new company

Hello. My name is Montario D. Hampton, the CEO of Still Waves Publishing Company. My mother, Lacresha Hayes, is the President of Living Waters Publishing Company. I've watched her and trained under her for the last year. I've seen a lot of books that I like come through the company. I asked my mom to invest in my dream, Still Waves Publishing.

Unlike Living Waters, we are going to publish general material. We are NOT solely Christian!

I want everyone to know that I'm not beginning this company out of rebellion or disdain for my mother or her company. I am beginning this company to give ordinary, non-Christians the ability to see their work in print.

I believe you will find that Still Waves is an answer to prayer. In the same week we began, we received manuscript submissions. I believe people are ready for a young CEO (I am 17 years old). Youth brings about creativity, fresh vision and the boldness to go in new directions.

Our website will be up no later than the beginning of February. We will post an update at that time.

The last thing is to announce that we ARE hiring! So, send your resume or your manuscript to